The office of Hispanic Ministry, a ministry of the Evangilization Office of The Diocese of Paterson, seeks to enhance the ecclesial experience of discipleship for the Hispanic/Latino communities within our local Church. We are committed to developing leadership opportunities whereby Hispanics can take an active role in the evangelizing mission of the Church. The Office of Hispanic Ministry seeks to be a resource to parishes, ecclesial movements and diocesan departments as they come up with effective ways to respond to the ever-growing Hispanic presence within our Diocese.
Hispanic Ministry webpage
One of the many contributions of the Hispanic community to the Church in the U.S. has been the "Pastoral de Conjunto" (Communion in Mission), defined as "the harmonious coordination of all the elements of the pastoral ministry with the actions of the pastoral ministers and structures in view of a common goal: the Kingdom of God. It is not only a methodology but the expression of the essence and mission of the Church, which is to be and to make communion." USCCB National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry.
En la oficina del Ministerio Hispano trabajamos para promover una vision renovada del discipulado, desarrollando vias efectivas para que la comunidad Hispana/Latina viva su vocaci6n bautismal. Estamos comprometidos a crear oportunidades de formaci6n hacia un liderazgo efectivo que le permita a la comunidad Hispana/Latina una participaci6n activa en la misi6n evangelizadora de la Iglesia.
Una de las grandes contribuciones de la comunidad Hispana/Latina a la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos, es el principio de "Pastoral de Conjunto" que busca la armonia entre los ministros pastorales, sus agentes y la estructura hacia un prop6sito comun: el Reino de Dios.
1. SS Cyril and Methodius - Clifton
2. Saint Paul - Prospect Park
3. Saint Margaret - Morristown
4. Our Lady of Mount Carmel- Passaic
5. Saint Anthony of Padua - Passaic
6. Saint Stephen - Paterson
7. Saint Agnes - Paterson
8. Saint Michael - Netcong
9. Sacred Heart - Dover
10. Holy Rosary - Dover
11. Saint Mary, Help of Christians - Paterson
12. Saint Paul - Clifton
13. Blessed Sacrament - Paterson
14. Saint Brendan - Clifton
15. Saint George - Clifton
16. Saint Anthony of Padua- Paterson
17. Our Lady of Victories - Paterson
18. Our Lady of Lourdes - Paterson
19. Holy Trinity - Passaic
20. Saint Mary-Passaic
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