1. Chancery Files Collection
2. Deed Files Collection 39 boxes 9.0 linear feet
3. Bishop O’Connor Collection 12 boxes 5.6 linear feet
4. Bishop Casey Homily Collection 11 boxes 4.9 linear feet
5. John Nolan Collection 21 boxes 8.7 linear feet
6. Diocesan Clergy Files Collection
7. Women Religious Collection
8. Annual Pastoral Reports Collection 14 cartons 15.2 linear feet
9. Commemorative Book Collection 70 boxes 31.7 linear feet
10. Photo Collection 18 boxes 8.2 linear feet
11. Miscellaneous Collection 17 boxes 7.7 linear feet
12. "Living Stones” Collection 5 boxes 1.1 linear feet
Among the holdings of the Diocesan Archives are many books including some of the following categories.
The Official Catholic Directory (complete run since 1938)
Annuario Pontificio (incomplete run)
Catholic Telephone Guide, New York Metropolitan Area (incomplete run)
New Jersey Provincial Directory (incomplete run)
Diocese of Paterson Directory (complete run 1964-2012)
Books relating to the history and culture of New Jersey, particularly the three Counties of Northwestern New Jersey Books by or about clergy of the Paterson Diocese United States diocesan histories The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1907 edition American Catholic apologetic and devotional works from the 19th and 20th centuries.
Bound copes of The Advocate, newspaper of the Archdiocese of Newark and the Diocese of Paterson 1962-1966.
Bound copies of The Beacon, newspaper of the Diocese of Paterson 1975-present.
The Diocesan Archives contains a number of artifacts and other physical items that are related to the life of the diocese and its bishops. Among these items are:
Pontifical regalia belonging to various bishops
Bishop McLaughlin’s portable throne, with platform, chair, canopy and hangings
Monsignor James Doyle’s U.S. Navy portable Mass kit
Bishop Navagh’s portable Mass kit
A pinnacle from the old wooden Hinchcliffe Main altar from Saint John’s Cathedral (the major section currently frames the tabernacle in the Cathedral’s Lady Chapel)
Plaster study busts for the statue of Dean McNulty in front of the Cathedral sculpted by the Paterson artist, Gaetano Federici
Wooden episcopal coats-of-arms which once hung over the Bishop’sThrone in the Cathedral
With the single exception of a register containing Baptisms and Marriages from the Boonton and Dover Missions in the 1840s, the Diocesan Archives does not house Sacramental records.
In the Diocese of Paterson, Records of Baptisms, Confirmations, First Communions, Marriages and Funerals are all held in the individual parishes. There are a few minor exceptions, as follows:
For churches that have been closed, the records are kept at a nearby parish as follows: