Are you wondering if God might be calling you to be a religious order priest, Brother, Sister, monk, or nun?
Does the idea of living each day in prayer, community, and mission according to a particular charism that the Holy Spirit inspired in the Church attract you or make you nervous? Or both? That's okay! Conflicting emotions are normal as you think about this vocation and what it means.
The discernment process, which includes the guidance of others and the affirmation of the Church, will evenutally bring you to a certain peace and joy if this vocation is for you!
“By sacramental consecration, the priest is configured to Jesus Christ as Head and Shepherd of the Church..." -Pope St. John Paul II, Pastores Dabo Vobis, 21
“The vocation of the Brother is part of the answer that God gives to the absence of brotherhood which is wounding the world today.” -Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, 2015
“When the Lord awakens a vocation, he thinks not only of what you already are, but of what you will one day be, in his company and in that of others.”
-Christus Vivit, 289
"Their prayer is oxygen for all the members of the Body of Christ; their prayer is the invisible force that sustains the mission."
-Pope Francis, General Audience 23 April 2023
Charism: from the Greek “favor” or “gratuitous gift”
In the context of religious life, it is a gift of the Holy Spirit directed towards the building up of society with a particular spirituality and mission in response to the needs of the people of God.
The prayer life, community life, and mission of each religious community are shaped by its Founder(s) according to the particular charism inspired by the Holy Spirit.